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Home Retail Recycling Compacting Solutions

Compacting Solutions

Compacting offers a convenient way to combine all paper recyclable materials together without having to  spend time and the labor to sort . Compacting results in reducing the overall paper bulk volume to a smaller amount .  This can result in reduced costs to transport to a recycling facility, especially for companies that produce large quantities of cardboard on a daily basis.

The typical volume capacity, density and other characteristics of wastes vary by  industry to location, but typically  waste stream profiles with the highest air content achieve the highest benefits from compaction.  Since waste profiles can vary considerably within the same industry (and even within the same exact market segment) the compaction benefits derived from compactors will also vary accordingly.

Slesnick Recycling specialists have the ability to help your company determine if compacting is an optimal solution, and if so, setting up  the right  paper compacting program for you.

Our Compacting Services include:

  • Free waste audit
  • Evaluation of compacting as an option
  • Financing options such as purchasing or leasing any compacting equipment needed with return on investment (ROI) information.
  • Installing, servicing and training personnel to use the equipment.
  • Creating a compacted material pick up schedule that ensures prompt and reliable  service.
  • Compactor repair service

For more information about going green and saving money with our Paper Baling Services, visit the Compactor section or contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call (330) 454-5101.



